Charity’s story about her time on the beautiful la Isla de Chiloé during our unforgettable Spanish immersion trip in Chile.
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Takeaways from our multilingual conversation hours and the words/phrases that were mutually intelligible… or not!
Read MoreHow to learn Mandarin through one of our favorite stories: 小王子 ‘The Little Prince’.
Read MoreHighlights from our learning- and fun-packed Spanish Immersion Camp this summer.
Read MoreMy story recounts my experiences with learning French and Spanish. My love of Spanish fueled my love of learning and led me to the field of linguistics and language teaching.
Read MoreThe story of my encounters with various languages. My early experience with European languages paved the way for a fascination with how language works and with using modern speech forms to reconstruct the past.
Read MoreThis is the story of my language-learning journey with Korean and how I became a linguist. Languages and linguistics have played a huge role in my life and are my two greatest passions today.
Read MoreOur team’s top tips for a successful language-learning journey!
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Tools for helping you master some of the trickier points of German grammar, whether you’re learning it for the first time or wanting to review the fundamentals. Los geht’s!